c# Reversing words in a string using single loop without using reverse function and stack -

i have tried writing logic reversing each word in string single loop didn't work. can please provide logic reverse every word in string using single loop , without using reverse function.


welcome world


emoclew ot eht dlrow

my logic 2 loops:

class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             string input = string.empty;             input = console.readline();             string[] strarr=input.split(' ');             stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();             foreach (string str in strarr)             {                 sb.append(fnreverse(str));                 sb.append(' ');             }             console.writeline(sb);             console.read();         }         public static string fnreverse(string str)         {             string result = string.empty;             (int = str.length-1; >= 0; i--)                 result += str[i];             return result;         }     } 

    string strin = "welcome world";     string strtmp = "";     string strout = "";      (int i=strin.length-1; i>-1; i--)     {         if (strin[i] == ' ')         {             strout = strtmp + " " + strout;             strtmp = "";         }         else         {             strtmp += strin[i];         }        }     strout = strtmp + " " + strout; 

gives result "emoclew ot eht dlrow"
