java - Need to pass class at runtime generics scala -

i think header of question not clear try explain here.

lets have class a takes generic type t

class a[t] {     // doing thing t } 

now instantiating object in place of t pass class @ runtime like

class.forname("com.somthing.someclass") new a[com.somthing.someclass]() //but don't have com.somthing.someclass @ compile time 

but how can use above class?

you can't that, there not t @ runtime. type parameters "disappeas" during erasure , replaced java.lang.object:

$ echo 'class a[t] { def f(t: t): t = t }' > test.scala  $ scalac test.scala  $ javap -c a.class  compiled "test.scala" public class a<t> {   public t f(t);     code:        0: aload_1        1: areturn    public a();     code:        0: aload_0        1: invokespecial #19                 // method java/lang/object."<init>":()v        4: return } 
