i following steps listed in link create customer deserializer. message receive kafka has plain text "log message -" before json string.i want deserializer ignore string , parse json data. there way it?
@springbootapplication public class transactionauditserviceapplication { public static void main(string[] args) throws interruptedexception { new springapplicationbuilder(transactionauditserviceapplication.class).web(false).run(args); } @bean public messagelistener messagelistener() { return new messagelistener(); } public static class messagelistener { @kafkalistener(topics = "ctp_verbose", containerfactory = "kafkalistenercontainerfactory") public void listen(@payload concisemessage message, @header(kafkaheaders.received_partition_id) int partition) { system.out.println("received messasge in group foo: " + message.getstringvalue("traceid") + " partion " + partition); } } }
@enablekafka @configuration public class kafkaconsumerconfig { @value(value = "${kafka.bootstrapaddress:localhost:9092}") private string bootstrapaddress; @value(value = "${groupid:audit}") private string groupid; @bean public consumerfactory<string, concisemessage> consumerfactory() { map<string, object> props = new hashmap<>(); props.put(consumerconfig.bootstrap_servers_config, bootstrapaddress); props.put(consumerconfig.group_id_config, groupid); return new defaultkafkaconsumerfactory<>(props, new stringdeserializer(), new jsondeserializer<>(concisemessage.class)); } @bean public concurrentkafkalistenercontainerfactory<string, concisemessage> kafkalistenercontainerfactory() { concurrentkafkalistenercontainerfactory<string, concisemessage> factory = new concurrentkafkalistenercontainerfactory<>(); factory.setconsumerfactory(consumerfactory()); return factory; } }
by writing line new jsondeserializer<>(concisemessage.class)
, telling kafka want convert message concisemessage
type. so, doesn't make custom deserializer. fix problem have come own implementation of deserializer has logic strip text "log message -".
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