vb.net - What is the fastest way to retrieve at runtime big powers of two in decimal string format? -

in order display big numbers need able retrieve powers of 2 in decimal string format. following code best do, there faster way?

public notinheritable class twopowerof      private decimalstring string = ""      public sub new(byval myinteger integer)         if myinteger > -256 , myinteger < 1024             me.decimalstring = gettwopowerof(myinteger)         end if     end sub      public overrides function tostring() string         return me.decimalstring     end function      protected function gettwopowerof(byval myinteger integer) string         dim result string = ""         dim d new dictionary(of integer, string)         '...         d.add(2, "4")         d.add(1, "2")         d.add(0, "1")         d.add(-1, "0.5")         d.add(-2, "0.25")         d.add(-3, "0.125")         d.add(-4, "0.0625")         d.add(-5, "0.03125")         d.add(-6, "0.015625")         d.add(-7, "0.0078125")         d.add(-8, "0.00390625")         ' ...         result = d.item(myinteger)         return result     end function end class 

and retreiving this:

sub whatever()     dim myinteger integer     dim mydecimalstring string = new twopowerof(myinteger).tostring     console.writeline(mydecimalstring) end sub 

or, there way convert big binary numbers decimals without using powers of two?
