javascript - Superagent keeps sending same image repeatedly -

i trying able upload multiple files , have them sent cloudinary's api. looping through each image, attaching , uploading it. however, code looping through images , uploading first image on again amount of files:

let uploadrequest =      (let i=0; i<files.length; i++){         uploadrequest.attach('file', files[i])         console.log('file attached', files[i])          object.keys(params).foreach((key) => {             uploadrequest.field(key, params[key])         })         console.log('params attached', files[i])          uploadrequest.then((res) => {              console.log('upload complete: '+json.stringify(res.body))             const uploaded = res.body             const imageurl = res.body.secure_url             let updatedarr = this.state.images.slice();             updatedarr.push(imageurl);                 this.setstate({                     images: updatedarr                 })             })          .catch((error) => {             console.log(error)             return         })     }  } 

how can rewrite want? confused why keeps happening

you can't have asynchronous code in middle of loop. loop not wait request finish.

move separate function , use loop call function.

var uploadfile = function(file){     //do stuff }  for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++){     uploadfile(files[i]); } 
