Using ReactJS how do rows with input text fields maintain state after being sorted -

using reactjs:

i have container 6 rows. each row has product name , input text field. if enter quantity input text field , sort list (ie a-z, or z-a) input text fields cleared. i've created example of problem on codepen.

how can sort rows , have input text fields keep value?

class row extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = { inputvalue: '' }   }    handleinputchange(e) {     this.setstate({ inputvalue: });   }    render() {         return (<div classname='row'>                             <span classname='product-name'>{this.props.placeholder}</span>                       <input type='text' classname='row__input-field' value={this.state.inputvalue} onchange={ e => this.handleinputchange(e) } />                         </div>);   } }  class container extends react.component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);         this.state = {products: [{name: 'orange'}, {name: 'lemon'}, {name: 'apple'}, {name: 'pear'}, {name: 'banana'}, {name: 'tangerine'}, {name: 'lime'}]};   }      handleselect(e) {         const sorteddata = getsorteddatabyindextype(this.state.products, number(;         this.setstate({ products: sorteddata })     }    render() {         return (<div classname='row-container'>                 <select classname='sort' onchange={e => this.handleselect(e)}>                     <option value="" selected disabled>sort list options</option>                     <option value='1'>a-z</option>                     <option value='2'>z-a</option>                 </select>         { , index) => {             return <row key={ math.random() } placeholder={this.state.products[index].name} />           })         }     </div>);   } }  const sortarraybykey = (products, key) => {   products.sort((a, b) => {     // ignore upper , lowercase;     let valuea = a[key].touppercase();     let valueb = b[key].touppercase();         if (valuea < valueb) {       return -1;     }     if (valuea > valueb) {       return 1;     }     return 0;   });   return products; };  const getsorteddatabyindextype = (products, sortkey) => {   switch (sortkey) {     case 1:       products = sortarraybykey(products, 'name');       break;     case 2:       products = sortarraybykey(products, 'name');       products.reverse();       break;     default:       console.log('sort value not handled');       break;   }   return products; };  reactdom.render(<container />,document.getelementbyid('container')); 

by keeping same key of row element on every render keep state of corresponding element safe. change, index) => {             return <row key={ math.random() } placeholder={this.state.products[index].name} />           }) 

to this, index) => {             return <row key={ this.state.products[index].name } placeholder={this.state.products[index].name} />           }) 
