ios - Constraints in stack view causing weird issue -

i using xcode 9 beta 6, , following devslopes tutorial. in tutorial putting 2 images in horizontal stack view, , setting fill equally. on 1 of images putting 2 constraints, width <= 140 , aspect-ratio 1:1. when go add new constraints , pin stack view 8 left , right, , 24 top view gets extremely large , goes off of phone , pushes other items it. i'm not sure why happening.

enter image description here

finished version going for: enter image description here

i've duplicated issue, , have found constraint setting width on data image <= 140 seems issue. setting stack view fill equally. conflict. how can 1 image <= 140, while filling equally? i'm cause of problem.

in image below, i've set stack view fill, pinned left , right @ 8 , set image on left 140 , works fine. in attributes inspector, set spacing attribute on stack view space between images desire.

enter image description here
