php - submit a form from within a jquery dialog -

i have html table. clicking on cell content trigger jquery dialog window, find form submit button.

here code have written far:

<script> $(document).ready(function(){     $("a#open").click(function(){         $('#window').dialog("open");         return false;     });     $('#window').dialog({         modal: true,         autoopen: false     }); }); </script>   <div id="window" title="modify" style="display: none;">  <form class="forms" action="some_url.php" method="post" id="modcat">    <select id="categoria">     <option value="" disabled selected style='display:none;'> - select -     <option value="80">80</option>     <option value="40">40</option>     <option value="70">70</option>    </select>   <input type="submit" name="send" value="modify" />  </form> </div> 

the dialog window opens , form (with select values) there. problem nothing happens when submit button clicked. doing wrong?

all of sound good, ;) forgot

<a href="#" id="open">click me</a> 

here example online

add here how table
