c# - BLOB Data retrieval in table form -

mysqlconnection con= new mysqlconnection("server=localhost;database=databasename;user=username;password=password");  string query="select *from table";  using (mysqldataadapter adpt= new mysqldataadapter(query,con)) {  dataset dset= new dataset();  adpt.fill(dset);  mytabledatagridview.datasource=dset.tables[0];  } con.close 

the following code can retrieve data of varchar , int, don't retrieve blob kind of data ....plzz give solution blob can read method or other method downloadable file mode

the blob data should read database byte array. should it:

filestream fs = new filestream(filepath, filemode.open, fileaccess.read); binaryreader br = new binaryreader(fs);    byte[] photo = br.readbytes((int)fs.length);     br.close(); fs.close(); 

i took code here: https://www.akadia.com/services/dotnet_read_write_blob.html. note load blob memory stream instead of filestream if wanted display blob on screen e.g. if photo.
