openerp - How partial payment hit accounting statements in odoo 10 Using Point Of sale? -

as have purchased pos_partial_payment module found incomplete requirement need modify / add new functionality it. perform partial payment (remaining credit amount) there not changes accounting. example such partial paid amount not showing in accounting , not changing account recieivable cash journal. def pay_partial_payment(self, amount):     # comment method because don't want generate payment accounting entry, if want uncomment it...     print  "partnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr id",self         print "****************codeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",amount     #finding recivble      print  "id of account rec account",     lines = []                   partner_line = {'account_id',     'name':'/',     'date',     'partner_id':,     'debit':float(amount),     'credit':0.0,      }     lines.append(partner_line)                   #find sale account     recivable_ids = self.env['account.account'].search([('','=','receivable')])     print "*********************************************************recivable_ids",recivable_ids     rec_id = false     if recivable_ids:         rec_id  = recivable_ids[0]      pos_line  = {'account_id',     'name':'pos partial payment',     'date',     'partner_id':,     'credit':float(amount),     'debit':0.0,     }            lines.append(pos_line)     line_list = [(0, 0, x) x in lines]     move_id = self.env['account.move'].create({'partner_id',                                     'date',                                     # 'journal_id':7,                                     'journal_id':6,                                     'line_ids':line_list                                     })      return true      
