Documentation of parametric composite types in Julia -

i have following parametric composite type.

struct patient{t <: union{homogenousmesh, volume}}     isocenters::vector{vector{point}}     tumors::vector{t}     oars::vector{t}     maps::vector{affinemap} end 

now display different kind of documentation depending on value of parameter t. i.e. in case write separate documentation each of the

patient patient{homogenousmesh} patient{volume} 

any suggestions or pointers can read implementing this?

as rahul lakhanpal states in comment, can override docs.getdoc() manually.

struct volume end struct homogenousmesh end  struct patient{t <: union{homogenousmesh, volume}}    x::t end  docs.getdoc(x::patient{homogenousmesh}) = "this homogenousmesh patient" docs.getdoc(x::patient{volume}) = "this volume patient"  x = patient(homogenousmesh()) y = patient(volume()) ?x ?y 
