Legends with multiple rows in Matlab -

how create legend multiple rows or fit legend within plotting area. following code , output plot

figure; col = jet(numel(node_id_without_duplicates)); %legend('node ');  i=1:numel(node_id_without_duplicates)     specific_node = node_id_without_duplicates(i);     legendinfo{i} = ['node ', num2str(specific_node)];         mtbf_specific_node; //this call of tool created me , not included in example.  end     legend(legendinfo); 

enter image description here

you can use gridlegend on fex. uses undocumented hidden axes property scribelegendlisteners, details please see "multi-column (grid) legend" on undocumented matlab.

i totally agree gnovice: plot overloaded, rethink more helpful , informative. however, if want readers understand nothing , "wow, seems hard task" plot correct.
