i have web api 1 user, i'm trying use basic authentication protect returns code 401 unauthorized.
this code:
class basicauthenticationattribute
using system; using system.threading; using system.security.principal; using system.text; using system.web.http.controllers; using system.web.http.filters; using system.net; using system.net.http; public class basicauthenticationattribute: authorizationfilterattribute { public override void onauthorization(httpactioncontext actioncontext) { if (actioncontext.request.headers.authorization == null) { actioncontext.response = actioncontext.request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.unauthorized); } else { // gets header parameters string authenticationstring = actioncontext.request.headers.authorization.parameter; string originalstring = encoding.utf8.getstring(convert.frombase64string(authenticationstring)); // gets username , password string usrename = originalstring.split(':')[0]; string password = originalstring.split(':')[1]; // validate username , password if (!checkuser.login(usrename, password)) { // returns unauthorized error actioncontext.response = actioncontext.request.createresponse(httpstatuscode.unauthorized); } } base.onauthorization(actioncontext); } }
class checkuser
using system; public class checkuser { public static bool login(string username, string password) { if (username == "user" && password == "mypassword") return true; else return false; } }
the api controller
public class addusercontroller : apicontroller { [httpget, basicauthentication] [route("api/user/{email}")] public string adduser(string email) { string country_code = ""; string username = system.threading.thread.currentprincipal.identity.name; return "welcome"; }
this jquery function:
var token = ''; var headers = {}; if (token) { headers.authorization = 'basic ywhdzwqer5whtzwramjaxnw=='; } $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'http://mywebapi.com', headers: headers }).done(function (data) { self.result(data); })
i don't know wrong code!! please help
thank in advance
you create empty token, set headers if token not empty, never set headers...
var token = ''; var headers = {}; if (token) { headers.authorization = 'basic ywhdzwqer5whtzwramjaxnw=='; }
if (!token) {
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