continuous integration - Drone 0.8: build stuck in pending state -

installed drone 0.8 on virtual machine following docker compose file:

version: '2'  services:   drone-server:     image: drone/drone:0.8     ports:       - 8080:8000       - 9000:9000     volumes:       - /var/lib/drone:/var/lib/drone/     restart:     environment:       - database_driver=sqlite3       - database_config=/var/lib/drone/drone.sqlite       - drone_open=true       - drone_orgs=my-github-org       - drone_admin=my-github-user       - drone_host=${drone_host}       - drone_github=true       - drone_github_client=${drone_github_client}       - drone_github_secret=${drone_github_secret}       - drone_secret=${drone_secret}       - gin_mode=release    drone-agent:     image: drone/agent:0.8     restart:     depends_on: [ drone-server ]     volumes:       - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock     environment:       - drone_server=drone-server:9000       - drone_secret=${drone_secret} 

all variable values stored in .env file , correctly passed running containers. trying run build using private github repository. when pushing repository first time build starts , fails following error (i.e. build fails): first-run after clicking on restart button seeing screen (i.e. build pending): second-run

having following containers running on same machine:

root@ci:~# docker ps -a container id        image               command               created             status              ports                                                             names 94e6a266e09d        drone/agent:0.8     "/bin/drone-agent"    2 hours ago         2 hours                                                                            root_drone-agent_1 7c7d9f93a532        drone/drone:0.8     "/bin/drone-server"   2 hours ago         2 hours          80/tcp, 443/tcp,>9000/tcp,>8000/tcp   root_drone-server_1 

even drone_debug=true log entry in agent log is:

2017/09/10 15:11:54 pipeline: request next execution 

so think reason agent not build queue. noticed latest drone versions using grpc instead of websockets.

so how build started? missing here?

the reason of issue - wrong .drone.yml file. first red screen should shown in case. showing pending , restart button incorrect yaml drone issue.
