javascript - Angular 2 : ngOnChange not firing on deletion of component -

i have close button on each element , if close , component getting deleted , why not able add same component again ?example : if close component boxone , try add again it's not working. here working demo


    import { ngmodule, component, compiler, viewcontainerref, viewchild, input, componentref, componentfactory, componentfactoryresolver, changedetectorref,onchanges } '@angular/core' import { subject } 'rxjs'; import { sharedservice } './shared.service';  @component({     selector: 'parent-container',     template: `     <ng-template id="target" #target></ng-template>   `,     styles: [] }) export class parentcontainer implements onchanges {      @viewchild('target', { read: viewcontainerref }) target;     @input() type;     cmpref: componentref<any>;     private isviewinitialized: boolean = false;     constructor(private componentfactoryresolver: componentfactoryresolver, private compiler: compiler,         private cdref: changedetectorref, private sharedserv: sharedservice) { }      updatecomponent() {         if (!this.isviewinitialized) {             return;         }         if (this.cmpref) {             this.cmpref.destroy();         }          let factory = this.componentfactoryresolver.resolvecomponentfactory(this.type);         this.cmpref =;         this.cmpref.instance.close$.take(1).subscribe(() => this.cmpref.destroy());         this.cdref.detectchanges();     }      ngonchanges() {          this.updatecomponent();  }      ngafterviewinit() {          this.isviewinitialized = true;         this.updatecomponent();      }      ngondestroy() {          if (this.cmpref) {             this.cmpref.destroy();         }     }  } 


    import { component, input ,ondestroy } '@angular/core'; import { subject } 'rxjs'; import { sharedservice } './shared.service';  @component({   selector: 'box-one',   template: `     <div>       <button (click)="close({'name':'boxonecomponent','length':2})">close</button>     </div>   `,   styles: [`     div{       height:100px;       width:100px;       background-color:yellow;       display:inline-block;       margin:5px;     }     button{       margin-left:48px;     }   `] }) export class boxonecomponent implements ondestroy {    constructor(private sharedserv : sharedservice){}    public close$ = new subject<void>();   public boxlength$ = new subject<number>();    close(comps){     this.sharedserv.sendcomponentname(comps);     this.close$.next(null);     this.boxlength$.next(2);   }     ngondestroy(){    }   } 

if delete component clicking close , ngonchange not detecting changes , updatecomponent function not getting triggered . there other alternative . please .
