windows - Set PlatformTools in cl.exe -

i'm trying build wolfssl, uses cryptacquirecontext function of windows api. i'm trying build using 'cl.exe'. don't want use 'nmake.exe' nor 'msbuild.exe', plain 'cl.exe'.

if use visual studio building, can set <platformtoolset>v120</platformtoolset> parameter in 'vcxproj' file, defines platform toolset version. option set, visual studio compiles , links code without error.

if try compiling , linking 'cl.exe', following message:

error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__cryptacquirecontexta@20

since visual studio succeeds, problem not caused missing sdk.

the documentation 'cl.exe' not include information on platform toolset. tried adding /p:platformtoolset=v120, suggested here, seems msbuild accepts option.

though description of problem long, question simple. how define platform toolset 'cl.exe'?

-- edit --

adding advapi32.lib after \link option fixed linking problem.

however mean have instruct linker use every native windows '.lib' file use? don not have standard library. there way force cl include native windows '.lib' files automatically, standard library?
