this question has answer here:
so i've found whenever i'm building query first/"oldest" result not show. here's code -
$data=mysql_query("select * `horses` inner join `awards` on horses.hname=awards.hname `hid`=$id"); $row=mysql_fetch_object($data); echo mysql_error(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($data)) { echo"$row->award<br>"; }
when lists awards, if have 1 entry listed won't list anything. if have two, it'll list newest of two. -
$data=mysql_query("select * `v_testhorses` `hid`=$id"); $row=mysql_fetch_object($data); echo mysql_error(); echo"<tr><td><center>$row->hname ($row->type)</td></tr>"; echo"<tr><td>$row->yob $row->gender owned $row->oname ($row->stable)</td></tr>"; echo"<tr><td>$row->sire x $row->dam </td></tr>"; echo"</table><br><br>"; echo"<table>"; echo"<tr><td>year</td><td>win</td><td>place</td><td>show</td><td>tokens</td><td>earnings</td></tr>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($data)) { echo"<tr><td>$row->year</td>"; echo"<td>$row->wins</td>"; echo"<td>$row->place</td>"; echo"<td>$row->show</td>"; echo"<td>$row->tokens</td>"; echo"<td>$" . number_format($row->lte) . "</td></tr>"; }
will list recent years, ignoring first/earliest entry. suggestions? (i know old php every time try change newer version crashes - , i'm still learning :( )
you calling mysql_fetch_object()
$data=mysql_query("select * `horses` inner join `awards` on horses.hname=awards.hname `hid`=$id"); // $row=mysql_fetch_object($data); <--------- remove me echo mysql_error(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($data)) { echo"$row->award<br>"; }
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