vue.js - How to separate opening and closing tag by conditional template in vue without getting compiling error? -

i trying conditional templating have separated opening , closing tags of elements. can't work until in same conditional template tag. put opening tag 1 conditional template , closing tag conditional template error. example:

<template>     <div>         <template v-if="show">             <ul>                 <li>                     1                 </li>         </template>          // other conditional stuff in between          <template v-if="show">                 <li>                     2                 </li>             </ul>         </template>     </div>   </template>  <script> export default {     data() {         return {             show: false         }     } } </script> 

here error because opening <ul> tag , closing </ul> tag in discrete <template v-if=".."> tags. error:

(emitted value instead of instance of error)    error compiling template:      <div>    <template v-if="show">       <ul>           <li>               1           </li>   </template>    <template v-if="show">           <li>               2           </li>       </ul>   </template>      </div>      - tag <ul> has no matching end tag. 

how can separate starting , ending tags inside conditional template tags without breaking code?

edited add full code

this routes want use generate menu

// routers.js export let routers = [ {     name: 'main menu 1',     parent: 0, }, {     name: 'main menu 2',     parent: 0     children: [         {             name: 'menu item 1-1'         },{                 name: 'menu item 1-2',             children: [                 {                         name: 'menu item 2-1',                 },{                         name: 'menu item 2-2',                 },{                         name: 'menu item 2-3',                     children: [{                         name: 'shit'                     }]                 }             ]         }     ] }, {     name: 'main menu 3',     parent: 0 } ]; 

this parent of recursive component.

// left-side.vue <template>     <aside class="left-side sidebar-offcanvas">         <section class="sidebar">             <div id="menu" role="navigation">                 <navigation-cmp :routes="routes"></navigation-cmp>             </div>         </section>     </aside> </template>  <script> import navigationcmp './navigationcmp';  import {routers} '../../router/routers';  export default {     name: "left-side",     computed: {         routes(){             return routers;         }     },     components: {         navigationcmp,     }, } </script> 

this recurring part problem

// navigationcmp.vue <template>     <ul class="navigation">          <template v-for="item in routes">              <template v-if="item.parent == 0">                 <template v-if="!!item.children">                     <li class="menu-dropdown">                         <a href="javascript:void(0)">                              <i class="menu-icon ti-check-box"></i>                              <span class="mm-text">{{ }}</span>                              <span class="fa arrow"></span>                          </a>                         <ul class="sub-menu">                 </template>                 <template v-if="!item.children">                     <router-link to="/" tag="li" exact>                         <a class="logo"><i class="menu-icon ti-desktop"></i><span class="mm-text">{{ }}</span></a>                     </router-link>                                     </template>             </template>              <template v-if="!!item.children" v-for="child in item.children" >                 <template v-if="!!child.children">                     <a href="javascript:void(0)">                         <i class="fa fa-fw ti-receipt"></i> {{ }}                         <span class="fa arrow"></span>                     </a>                     <ul class="sub-menu form-submenu">                 </template>                 <template v-if="!child.cildren">                     <router-link tag="li" to="/form-elements" exact>                         <a class="logo"><i class="menu-icon ti-cup"></i><span class="mm-text"> {{ }} </span></a>                     </router-link>                 </template>                  <navigation-cmp v-if='!!child.children&&child.children.length>0' :routes='[child]'> </navigation-cmp>                  <template v-if="!!child.children">                     </ul>                 </template>              </template>               <template v-if="!!item.children&&item.parent==0">                         </ul>                     </li>             </template>          </template>      </ul> </template>  <script> export default {     name: 'navigation-cmp',     props: {         routes: array,     } } </script> 

full error output

main.js:43552 [wds] errors while compiling. reload prevented. main.js:43558 ./~/vue-loader/lib/template-compiler?{"id":"data-v-dfd6e000"}!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=template&index=0!./src/components/layout/navigationcmp.vue (emitted value instead of instance of error)    error compiling template:    <ul class="navigation">        <template v-if="!item.hidden" v-for="item in routes">            <template v-if="item.parent == 0">               <template v-if="show">                   <li class="menu-dropdown">                       <a href="javascript:void(0)">                            <i class="menu-icon ti-check-box"></i>                            <span class="mm-text">{{ }}</span>                            <span class="fa arrow"></span>                        </a>                       <!-- <ul class="sub-menu"> -->               </template>               <template v-if="!item.children">                   <router-link to="/" tag="li" exact>                       <a class="logo"><i class="menu-icon ti-desktop"></i><span class="mm-text">{{ }}</span></a>                   </router-link>                                   </template>           </template>                    </li>              <!-- <template v-if="!!item.children&&item.parent == 0"> -->                       <!-- </ul> -->           <!-- </template> -->        </template>    </ul>    - tag <li> has no matching end tag.   @ ./src/components/layout/navigationcmp.vue 5:2-192  @ ./~/babel-loader/lib?cachedirectory!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/layout/left-side.vue  @ ./src/components/layout/left-side.vue  @ ./~/babel-loader/lib?cachedirectory!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/layout/layout.vue  @ ./src/components/layout/layout.vue  @ ./src/router/routes.js  @ ./src/router/router.js  @ ./src/main.js  @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 webpack/hot/dev-server ./src/main.js errors  @   main.js:43558 sock.onmessage  @   main.js:43801 ./node_modules/sockjs-client/lib/event/eventtarget.js.eventtarget.dispatchevent @   main.js:22579 (anonymous) @   main.js:23332 ./node_modules/sockjs-client/lib/main.js.sockjs._transportmessage   @   main.js:23330 ./node_modules/sockjs-client/lib/event/emitter.js.eventemitter.emit @   main.js:22483 

this works fine me. using templates recommended way of circumventing legal-html restrictions. can make snippet exhibits problem? , on platform you're running it, in case it's platform-dependent?

var spec = {    template: '#nav-template',    props: {      routes: array,    }  };    new vue({    el: '#app',    data: {      routes: [{        parent: 0,        children: 1,        name: 'first'      }, {        parent: 1,        children: 0,        name: 'second'      }]    },    components: {      navigationcmp: spec    }  });
<script src="//"></script>  // navigationcmp.vue  <div id="app">    <aside class="left-side sidebar-offcanvas">      <section class="sidebar">        <div id="menu" role="navigation">          <navigation-cmp :routes="routes"></navigation-cmp>        </div>      </section>    </aside>  </div>    <template id="nav-template">    <ul class=" navigation ">      <template v-for="item in routes ">          <template v-if="item.parent==0 ">          <template v-if="!!item.children ">            <li class="menu-dropdown ">              <a href="javascript:void(0) ">                <i class="menu-icon ti-check-box "></i>                <span class="mm-text ">{{ }}</span>                <span class="fa arrow "></span>              </a>              <ul class="sub-menu ">          </template>          <template v-if="!item.children ">            <router-link to="/ " tag="li " exact>              <a class="logo "><i class="menu-icon ti-desktop "></i><span class="mm-text ">{{ }}</span></a>            </router-link>          </template>        </template>          <template v-if="!!item.children " v-for="child in item.children ">          <template v-if="!!child.children ">            <a href="javascript:void(0) ">              <i class="fa fa-fw ti-receipt "></i> {{ }}              <span class="fa arrow "></span>            </a>            <ul class="sub-menu form-submenu ">          </template>          <template v-if="!child.cildren ">            <router-link tag="li " to="/form-elements " exact>              <a class="logo "><i class="menu-icon ti-cup "></i><span class="mm-text "> {{ }} </span></a>            </router-link>          </template>            <navigation-cmp v-if='!!child.children&&child.children.length>0' :routes='[child]'> </navigation-cmp>            <template v-if="!!child.children ">            </ul>          </template>          </template>            <template v-if="!!item.children&&item.parent==0 ">          </ul>          </li>        </template>        </template>      </ul>  </template>
