ios - NSAttributedStringKey.attachment versus NSAttachmentAttributeName -

i'm having problems nsattributedstringkey.attachment versus nsattachmentattributename. here's relevant code:

    var key: any?     if #available(ios 11, *) {         key = nsattributedstringkey.attachment     }     else {         key = nsattachmentattributename     } 

one of 2 things happening. in actual place i'm trying use code (a cococapod of own design, deployment target of ios 8 , building xcode 9), error:

type 'nsattributedstringkey' (aka 'nsstring') has no member 'attachment' 

or, if make new example project , set deployment target @ ios 8, get:

'nsattachmentattributename' has been renamed 'nsattributedstringkey.attachment' 

this not behavior i'd expect #available. thoughts?

this string vs struct difference between swift 3 (uses strings such nsattachmentattributename) , swift 4 (uses struct static attributes such nsattributedstringkey.attachment), not between ios <11 , ios >=11. instance, can use nsattributedstringkey.attachment , similar in supporting version of ios (e.g. .attachment available since ios 7) within swift 4 project. #available doesn't apply because it's swift language version difference rather os version difference.

ensure pod set correct swift version , should work expected. can tell cocoapods adding .swift-version file @ top of project:

$ echo 4.0 >.swift-version 

this magical version file mentioned in passing in cocoapods blog post last year:
