webpack - Laravel Mix not recognising trailing comments eg "/*!".... Vue.js -

$ npm run dev works fine

but $ npm run production, although been working months, not recognise "/*!" @ end of compiled javascript lines comment out code eg

/*! <- line not being recognised * vue.js v2.4.2 * (c) 2014-2017 evan * released under mit license. */

this line @ end of compiled line. can fixed manually returning new line, how can mix automate again?

error =

fallbackloader option has been deprecated - replace "fallback" loader option has been deprecated - replace "use" 10% building modules 7/19 modules 12 active ...ode_modules/style-loader/addstyles.js(node:11800) deprecationwarning: loaderutils.parsequery() received non-string value can problematic, see https://github.com/webpack/loader-utils/issues/56

tried: $ rm rf node_modules && npm clear cache && npm install

using node v7.5.0 npm v4.1.2

package.json {

devdependencies mix ^0.6.0, "babel-core": "^6.23.1", "babel-loader": "^6.3.2", "bootstrap-sass": "^3.3.7"


updated npm packages think 'npm update vue' fixed it
