python - Unable to import a class in unittest -

this beginner question i'm pulling hair out.

i have simple python script "foo":

#!/usr/bin/env python  class foo():   def __init__(self):     self.do_something()    def do_something(self):     print "foo"  def main():   foo()  if __name__ == '__main__':   main() 

script works fine:

$ python  foo 

i want test function "do_something" in unittest , have code:

#!/usr/bin/env python  import unittest import foo foo import *  class testfoo(unittest.testcase):   def test_foo(self):     foo()  def main():   unittest.main()  if __name__ == "__main__":   main() 

if run tests, however, get:

$ python pyunit/ e ====================================================================== error: test_foo (__main__.testfoo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- traceback (most recent call last):   file "pyunit/", line 9, in test_foo     foo() nameerror: global name 'foo' not defined  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ran 1 test in 0.000s  failed (errors=1) 

my project structure:

$ tree  . ├── └── pyunit     └── 

i have been playing around inspect, dir(), python debugger etc i'm getting nowhere.

although import foo , from foo import * both execute fine, , see function main imported file, class foo doesn't seem imported.

my objective, ultimately, write unit tests functions in class foo.

what doing wrong?

you shouldn't use same file name ( in module. change test module test_foo instead. explicit better implicit.

when importing module parent directory, need use from <parent_dir> import <module_name>, in case should state from <parent_dir> import foo

you encounter importerror: no module named foo error becuase module not part of sys.path.

simplest way import local directory python's lookup path:

import sys sys.path.append('.') 

before other import statements. append project dir path. if have multiple classes same name, better use sys.path.insert(0, '.') push path first position
