c# - HoloLens: Using Unlit / VertexLit Shaders with Particle System -

context: drawing graphs on hololens via unity particle system.

for drawing complex graphs on microsoft hololens (see answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/46073583/5707551) want use vertexlit/unlit shaders increase frame rate

but if try access color via

void update() {       //...    (int = 0; < points.length; i++)    {       color c = points[i].getcurrentcolor(getcomponent<particlesystem>());       points[i].startcolor = c;    }    //...    getcomponent<particlesystem>().setparticles(points, points.length); } 

with shaders color of particles not change.

it worked fine default or fastconfigurable shader.

does know must consider when using these shaders?

edit - shader properties:

shader "holotoolkit/vertex lit configurable" {     properties     {         [header(main color)]         [toggle] _usecolor("enabled?", float) = 0         _color("main color", color) = (1,1,1,1)         [space(20)]          [header(base(rgb))]         [toggle] _usemaintex("enabled?", float) = 1         _maintex("base (rgb)", 2d) = "white" {}         [space(20)]          // uses uv scale, etc main texture         [header(emission(rgb))]         [toggle] _useemissiontex("enabled?", float) = 0         [noscaleoffset] _emissiontex("emission (rgb)", 2d) = "white" {}         [space(20)]          [header(blend state)]         [enum(unityengine.rendering.blendmode)] _srcblend("srcblend", float) = 1 //"one"         [enum(unityengine.rendering.blendmode)] _dstblend("destblend", float) = 0 //"zero"         [space(20)]          [header(other)]         [enum(unityengine.rendering.cullmode)] _cull("cull", float) = 2 //"back"         [enum(unityengine.rendering.comparefunction)] _ztest("ztest", float) = 4 //"lessequal"         [enum(off,0,on,1)] _zwrite("zwrite", float) = 1.0 //"on"         [enum(unityengine.rendering.colorwritemask)] _colorwritemask("colorwritemask", float) = 15 //"all"     }      subshader     {         tags { "rendertype" = "opaque" "performancechecks" = "false" }         lod 100         blend[_srcblend][_dstblend]         ztest[_ztest]         zwrite[_zwrite]         cull[_cull]         colormask[_colorwritemask]          pass         {             name "forward"             tags { "lightmode" = "forwardbase" }              cgprogram             #pragma vertex vert             #pragma fragment frag              #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase             #pragma multi_compile_fog              // target hololens (and unity editor), take advantage of shader model 5.             #pragma target 5.0             #pragma only_renderers d3d11              #pragma shader_feature _usecolor_on             #pragma shader_feature _usemaintex_on             #pragma shader_feature _useemissiontex_on             #pragma multi_compile  __ _near_plane_fade_on              #include "holotoolkitcommon.cginc"             #include "vertexlitconfigurable.cginc"              endcg         }     } } 
