excel - Error 1004 caused by =? -

i have checked lot of different solutions here on stackoverflow, none of them worked me.

when insert value "1" works, when try insert formula runtime error. have explanation? thankful help!

sub test()   dim cell excel.range dim wswithsheetnames excel.worksheet dim wbtoaddsheetsto excel.workbook  set wswithsheetnames = activesheet set wbtoaddsheetsto = activeworkbook   wsname = 1 254 each cell in wswithsheetnames.range("a" & wsname) wbtoaddsheetsto     .sheets.add after:=.sheets(.sheets.count)     on error resume next     activesheet.name = cell.value     wsname2 = cell.value     if err.number = 1004       debug.print cell.value & " used sheet name"     end if     on error goto 0 end next cell  worksheets("sheet1").range("b1", "b1735").copy  worksheets(wsname2).range("a2") (here problem!)worksheets(wsname2).range("b2:agr1736").formulalocal =  "=iferror(vlookup($a2,offset([final.xlsb]" & chr(34) & wsname2 & chr(34) & "!$a$1:$d$2000,0, (column(a2)*4-4)),4,0),"")"   next wsname   end sub 

edit: changed line to:

worksheets(wsname2).range("b2:agr1736").formulalocal =  "=iferror(vlookup($a2,offset([final.xlsb]" & wsname2 & "!$a$1:$d$2000,0, (column(a2)*4-4)),4,0)," & chr(34) & chr(34) & ")" 

if dont write "=" code works fine, why not working "="?

i think need declare wsname , wsname 2, full code this:

sub test()  dim cell excel.range dim wswithsheetnames excel.worksheet dim wbtoaddsheetsto excel.workbook dim wsname integer dim wsname2 string  set wswithsheetnames = activesheet set wbtoaddsheetsto = activeworkbook   wsname = 1 254 each cell in wswithsheetnames.range("a" & wsname) wbtoaddsheetsto     .sheets.add after:=.sheets(.sheets.count)     on error resume next     activesheet.name = cell.value     wsname2 = cell.value     if err.number = 1004       debug.print cell.value & " used sheet name"     end if     on error goto 0 end next cell  worksheets("sheet1").range("b1", "b1735").copy worksheets(wsname2).range("a2") 'worksheets(wsname2).range("b2:agr1736").formulalocal =  '"=iferror(vlookup($a2,offset([final.xlsb]" & chr(34) & wsname2 & chr(34) & "!$a$1:$d$2000,0, '(column(a2)*4-4)),4,0),"")"  worksheets(wsname2).range("b2:agr1736") = "=iferror(vlookup($a2,offset([final.xlsb]" & wsname2 & "!$a$1:$d$2000,0," & "(column(a2)*4-4)),4,0)," & chr(34) & chr(34) & ")"   next wsname   end sub 

hope help.
