javascript - Item soft rejected due to Proper Event Binding issue -

an item i've submitted got soft rejected following message:

proper event binding: consider using preferred .on() method rather .click(), .bind(), .hover(), etc. best performance , concise code use event delegation whenever possible

i have no idea , appreciate help.

this code (it’s quite long sorry):

jquery(document).ready(function($) {    "use strict";    // preloader   $(window).load(function() {     $('#preloader').fadeout('slow', function() {       $(this).remove();     });   });     // nav br resizing   $(document).on("scroll", function() {     if ($(document).scrolltop() > 50) {       $("header").removeclass("large").addclass("small");     } else {       $("header").removeclass("small").addclass("large");     }   });     // mobile menu trigger   $('.menu-item').addclass('menu-trigger');   $('.menu-trigger').click(function() {     $('#menu-trigger').toggleclass('clicked');     $('.container').toggleclass('push');     $('.pushmenu').toggleclass('open');   });     // search   $('.search').click(function(e) {     $(".search-overlay").addclass("visible");     e.preventdefault();   });   $('.close-search').click(function(e) {     $(".search-overlay").removeclass("visible");     e.preventdefault();   });     // foundation initializer   $(document).foundation();     // lightcase   $('a[data-rel^=lightcase]').lightcase({     showsequenceinfo: false,   });     // contdown   $('[data-countdown]').each(function() {     var $this = $(this),       finaldate = $(this).data('countdown');     $this.countdown(finaldate, function(event) {       $this.html(event.strftime('' +         '<span class="time">%d <span>days</span></span> ' +         '<span class="time">%h <span>hr</span></span> ' +         '<span class="time">%m <span>min</span></span> ' +         '<span class="time">%s <span>sec</span></span>'));     });   });     // scrolldown button   $(".show-scrolldown-btn").append("<div class='scrolldown-btn reveal-from-bottom'></div>")   $('.scrolldown-btn').on('click', function() {     var ele = $(this).closest("div");     // search within section     $("html, body").animate({       scrolltop: $(ele).offset().top + 70     }, 500);     return false;   });     // isotope masonry   $(window).load(function() {     var $container = $('.grid');     $container.isotope({       itemselector: '.grid-item',       columnwidth: '.grid-sizer',     });     var $optionsets = $('.filter'),       $optionlinks = $optionsets.find('a');     $ {       var $this = $(this);       if ($this.hasclass('active')) {         return false;       }       var $optionset = $this.parents('.filter');       $optionset.find('.active').removeclass('active');       $this.addclass('active');       // make option object dynamically, i.e. { filter: '.my-filter-class' }       var options = {},         key = $optionset.attr('data-option-key'),         value = $this.attr('data-option-value');       value = value === 'false' ? false : value;       options[key] = value;       if (key === 'layoutmode' && typeof changelayoutmode === 'function') {         changelayoutmode($this, options);       } else {         $container.isotope(options);       }       return false;     });   });     //back top   var offset = 300,     offset_opacity = 1200,     scroll_top_duration = 700,     $back_to_top = $('.backtotop');   $(window).scroll(function() {     ($(this).scrolltop() > offset) ? $back_to_top.addclass('is-visible'): $back_to_top.removeclass('is-visible fade-out');     if ($(this).scrolltop() > offset_opacity) {       $back_to_top.addclass('fade-out');     }   });   $back_to_top.on('click', function(event) {     event.preventdefault();     $('body,html').animate({       scrolltop: 0,     }, scroll_top_duration);   }); }); 

so change event listener assignments following:

$('.search').click(function(e) {   $(".search-overlay").addclass("visible");   e.preventdefault(); }); use corresponding on method instead, passing event name argument:

$('.search').on("click", function(e) {   $(".search-overlay").addclass("visible");   e.preventdefault(); }); 

event delegation avoiding adding several event listeners specific nodes , instead adding single event listener common parent element, looks see child element clicked on.

there's article here:
