mysql - Query to fetch data from the database using loop and store it in a array in PHP -

i made page accept multiple data roll no , password user , equate password of roll no the password stored in database. problem lies in fact unable solution of how execute query fetch data database under loop statement. here statement:-

 for( $i=0 ; $i<$count ; $i++ ){     include('connection.php');     $db[$i] = "select * login roll = $roll[$i]";     $login[$i] = mysqli_query($conn, $db[$i]);     while($log[$i] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($login[$i]))     {       $dbemail.$i = $log[$i]['email'];       $dbpass.$i = $log[$i]['pass'];       $roll.$i = $log[$i]['uno'];     }    mysqli_close(); } 

before execution of above part of code $roll[$i] has entered roll no in it.

thank in advance help.
