Accept Images from IOS and Andriod in node.js -

how accept images come ios , android in node.js have used multer module accept multiple images html page in succesfully able images , in below format

fieldname : field name specified in form originalname : name of file on user’s computer encoding : encoding type of file mimetype : mime type of file size : size of file in bytes destination : folder file has been saved filename : name of file within destination path : full path uploaded file buffer : buffer of entire file 

so in format ios , andriod should mean in format have send can accept images in node.js , want images inside body along 10 images there json object,below format want accept.

{ "generalinformatio":{                   "name":"raj",                    "image":[                             image1                             image2                            ]   }, "deviceinformatio":{                   "devicename":"wifi",                    "image":[                             image1                             image2                             image2                            ]   } } 

below code acceptig jso data'/adduser',function(req,res){     var mongodbs = require('mongodb');                                              var parsedresponse = json.parse(json.stringify(req.body));    console.log("startig from"+parsedresponse);           mongodb.findbyobjects("userdetails",{generalinformation:{installationid:req.body.generalinformation.installationid}},function(err,deviceresult){                if(err)              {                  res.send({"status":0,"message":"error in retriving record"});                                }              else                  {      if(deviceresult.length>0)          {              res.send({"status":0,"message":"this device registered please register device id"});                        }          else              {                        // mongodb.insertimage('userdetails',req,function(err,result){                        //     if(err)  res.send({"status":0,"message":"error in insertion of record"});                      //     else{                                          var parsedresponse = json.parse(json.stringify(req.body));    console.log("da previous class"+parsedresponse);                  var bodydetails = deviceinformation.getdata(parsedresponse,function(err,data)              {                  console.log('asdfasdfasdfsdf');                                });                      'userdetails',bodydetails,function(err,resultss){                                                                 if (err) {                                           res.send({"status":0,"message":"error in insertion of record"});                                    }                                    else                                    {                                      res.json(resultss);                                                                  }                                                               });                           //     }                    //   });                }                    }                       });      });      below code accessing image array

    var calls = [];      var mongodbs = require('mongodb');            req.foreach(function (files){            calls.push(function(callback){             var bucket = new mongodbs.gridfsbucket(state.db, {                  chunksizebytes: 1024,                  contenttype:files.mimetype,                  bucketname: 'usersimage'              });                            fs.createreadstream(files.image.path).pipe(                  bucket.openuploadstream(files.image.originalname)).on('error', function(error) {                 return callback(error);                 // console.log('error:-', error);              }).on('finish', function(saveddata) {                  var parsedresponse = json.parse(json.stringify(saveddata));                  console.log('parsedresponse');                         callback(null,parsedresponse._id);                     fs.unlink(files.image.path, function() {                    if (err) throw err;          'file uploaded to: ' + files.image.path + ' - ' + files.image.size + ' bytes');                });                    });      });            })              async.parallel(calls, function(err, result) {        /* code run after calls finished job or           when of calls passes error */        if (err)            return console.log(err);;        callback(null,result);           });      

when send image html able post image when send json object ios getting error file undefined there no above format how accept images ios , android?
