java - JavaFX or FXML. What is the difference? -

i have newly started learn javafx build desktop apps. don't understand 1 thing. here problem: can create gui writing codes, that:

enter image description here

or, can create gui scene builder, this:

enter image description here

if second method available, why should use writing codes, put label or button or whatever.?

i'm new, don't know if second method has weakness.

i work in fxml myself, wysiwyg approach of scenebuilder, had cases went coded ui.

for example have application user answers 10 questions. questions or amount not known @ compile time. create labels , checkboxes questions @ runtime in gridpane. gridpane part of fxml layout. can done solely in fxml using listview , custom listcells substantially more work , not need cell reusing because there few questions.

also can necessary have 10x10 buttons, putting 100 buttons in fxml no fun. used when implemented game like this on android.

also when have lot of different views similar except small positioning difference might want create them in code instead of making multiple identical fxml files.
