types - How to extend TypeScript definitions or what is causing "duplicate identifier" -

i've found few posts typescript "duplicate identifier" errors; however, i'm still confused root of problem.

i have class in module, extends "spine.assetmanager" , tsconfig.json file references spine.d.ts file in "files" section. allows editor , tsc understand spine interface; however, isn't clear me why can't have class of same name, different scope defined. in app.ts, have code following, causes no transpiler errors:

renderer: spine.webgl.scenerenderer;

however, in asset-manager.ts, following causes duplicate identifier error:

export class assetmanager extends spine.assetmanager {...}

how set things can use "spine" definitions, including it's spine.assetmanager, extend it, , use own "assetmanager"? (i know make mine unique, "myassetmanager", i'm hoping there solution.)
