i'm using under angular component highchart widget :
demo of chart : https://www.highcharts.com/demo/pie-legend
from documentation , using :
highcharts.chart('divchart', { chart: { plotbackgroundcolor: null, plotborderwidth: null, plotshadow: false, type: 'pie' }, title: { text: this.nb }, tooltip: { pointformat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>' }, plotoptions: { pie: { allowpointselect: true, cursor: 'pointer', datalabels: { enabled: false }, showinlegend: true } }, series: [{ name: 'brands', colorbypoint: true, data: [{ name: 'microsoft internet explorer', y: 56.33 }, { name: 'chrome', y: 24.03, sliced: true, selected: true }, { name: 'firefox', y: 10.38 }, { name: 'safari', y: 4.77 }, { name: 'opera', y: 0.91 }, { name: 'proprietary or undetectable', y: 0.2 }] }] });
but since loading dynamically datat ( chrome , firefox ...) , have set fo key/ value data indicationg each browser value :
browsers: {[key: string ]: number } = {};
for example browsers list contains :
chrome (name) -> 60 (value)
firefox -> 30
edge -> 10
i wanna inject browsers list values dynamically data of chart , , not mannually , since list may contain numerous values.
i think there methode called setdata , don't know if it's usefull.
ideas ?
yes there setdata function http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.setdata
but after need update chart http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.update
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