How can I execute SELECT query without prompt dialog box in access? -

i have form text box named fchname , subform of queryworkersub query named queryworker "select query". needs parameter. i'd execute query without prompt dialog box , updating sub form can't find way that. (i want queryworker executed without prompt updating sub form)

private sub fchname_exit(cancel integer) dim qdf dao.querydef dim prmchname dao.parameter dim dbs database, rst recordset set dbs = currentdb set qdf = dbs.querydefs("queryworker") qdf.execute 'causes runtime error of 3065. because of select query set rst = qdf.openrecordset(dbopendynaset, dbseechanges) 'does not update subform of queryworkersub  me.queryworkersub.form.requery' updates sub form shows prompt. rst.close set rst = nothingend set dbs = nothing end sub 
