Android Studio and Keytool - Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect -

i aware many people have had issue, need clarification concerning variety of answers available.

whenever try generate signed apk in android studio, comes 'keystore tampered with, or password incorrect' , have tried many of fixes suggested.

when try enter cmd:

"c:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_13\bin\keytool.exe" -storepasswd -new android -keystore "c:\users\scott\desktop\test\anroid keystores\sidecarsplit.jks"

i cannot type in 'enter keystore password', can still press enter. bizarre!

enter image description here

error in android studio:

error:execution failed task ':packagerelease'. failed read key sskey >store "c:\users\scott\desktop\test\anroid keystores\sidecarsplit.jks": keystore >was tampered with, or password incorrect

would appreciate getting apk signed. thank you
