this i'm getting. how can rotate table - not document. columns wider if table rotated.
the code below reproduces problem on smaller scale 1 column.
private void exporttableaspdf(file outputfile) { // pdf document document pdfdocument = new document(); try { pdfwriter pdfwriter = pdfwriter.getinstance(pdfdocument, new fileoutputstream(outputfile)); // used rotate page - itext recommended approach in answer question referenced below // class rotateevent extends pdfpageeventhelper { public void onstartpage(pdfwriter writer, document document) { writer.addpagedictentry(pdfname.rotate, pdfpage.seascape); } } // rotates each page landscape pdfwriter.setpageevent(new rotateevent()); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }; // pdf table pdfptable pdfptable = new pdfptable(1); // add column header cell pdfpcell datecell = new pdfpcell(new phrase("date")); pdfptable.addcell(datecell); // gets cell data logentrymapper logentrymapper = new logentrymapper(); list<logentry> logentries = logentrymapper.readall(); // adds cell table "date" data (logentry logentry : logentries) { datecell = new pdfpcell(new phrase(logentry.getlogentrydate())); pdfptable.addcell(datecell); } // adds table pdf document try { pdfdocument.add(pdfptable); } catch (documentexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } pdfdocument.close(); }
the solution found (with page event listener) different problem: printing upright on document paper size , rotating page including content. problem (printing upright on rotated paper) need initialize document rotated paper size:
document pdfdocument = new document(pagesize.a4.rotate());
this way table makes use of additional page size.
you notice, though, there still free space both left , right. there 2 reasons that:
- tables respect page margins configured document;
- tables default use 80% of width available.
you can, therefore, reduce free space left , right by
reducing page margins, e.g. using yet
constructordocument pdfdocument = new document(pagesize.a4.rotate(), marginleft, marginright, margintop, marginbottom);
or using
pdfdocument.setmargins(marginleft, marginright, margintop, marginbottom)
before page in question created;increasing percentage of available width used table
value of e.g.100
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