i want draw wbs dot language.
i have several problems:
- changing rank direction (top bottom first level, kind of left right other levels).
- one edge links more 2 nodes
i tried:
digraph { rankdir = tb; graph [splines=ortho] node [shape=box] edge [dir=none] node [label="1 widget mgmt. system"] 1 node [label="1.1 initiation"] 1.1 node [label="1.1.1 evaluation"] "1.1.1" node [label="1.2 planning"] 1.2 node [label="1.2.1"] "1.2.1" node [label=""] "" node [label=""] "" node [label="1.2.2"] "1.2.2" 1 -> {1.1, 1.2} 1.2 -> {"1.2.1", "1.2.2"} "1.2.1" -> {"", ""} }
the graph below shows idea of using clusters , hidden nodes alignment.
digraph { newrank=true; graph [splines=ortho]; node [shape=box]; edge [dir=none]; style=invis;//comment line see ideas of using clusters 1 -> {11 12 13}; subgraph cluster_11 { 11 -> {111 112 113 114}; { node [style=invis]; edge [style=invis]; subgraph cluster_c11_lvl_1 { c11->111->112->113->114; } {rank=same 11 c11} } } subgraph cluster_12 { 12 -> {121 122}; 121 -> {1211 1212}; 122 -> {1221 1222}; { node [style=invis]; edge [style=invis]; subgraph cluster_c12_lvl_1 { c12->121->122; } subgraph cluster_c12_lvl_2 { c121->1211->1212->c122->1221->1222; } {rank=same 12 c12} {rank=same 121 c121} {rank=same 122 c122} } } subgraph cluster_13 { 13 -> {131 132 133} { node [style=invis]; edge [style=invis]; subgraph cluster_c13_lvl_1 { c13->131->132->133; } {rank=same 13 c13} } } }
it gives following result:
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