the question interested in restricting non significant parameters in var model var(2). how may in python 3.0x?
the question raised r not python
how fit restricted var model in r?
can please me figure out?
to knowledge, not able find python package able kind of restriction. however, there package in r known vars. therefore, had augment r package in python using rpy2 interface.
this may done there list of events should take place allows python call r functions (even packages) vars package.
a summary using different package may found in link
however, sake of illustration here code
first have import vars python as
# import vars rvars = importr("vars", lib_loc = "c:/users/rami chehab/documents/r/win-library/3.3")
then 1 need fit var model data (or dataframe) data
t=rvars.var(data,p=2, type='const')
then afterwards 1 needs apply different function in vars packages known restrict removes nonsignificant parameters
# let try restricting t1=rvars.restrict(t,method = "ser")
the final steps allow observe data call built-in function in r known summary as
# calling built-in functions r rsummary = robjects.r['summary']
now print outcome as
this give
estimation results equation ================================================== = + ireland.real.equity.l1 + estimate std. error t value pr(>|t|) 0.26926 0.11139 2.417 0.01739 * ireland.real.equity.l1 -0.21706 0.07618 -2.849 0.00529 ** 0.23929 0.09979 2.398 0.01829 * --- signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 residual standard error: 14.41 on 103 degrees of freedom multiple r-squared: 0.1041, adjusted r-squared: 0.07799 f-statistic: 3.989 on 3 , 103 df, p-value: 0.009862 estimation results equation ireland.real.equity: ==================================================== ireland.real.equity = + ireland.real.equity.l1 + const estimate std. error t value pr(>|t|) 0.7253 0.1585 4.575 1.33e-05 *** ireland.real.equity.l1 -0.3112 0.1068 -2.914 0.004380 ** const 7.7494 2.1057 3.680 0.000373 *** --- signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 residual standard error: 20.58 on 103 degrees of freedom multiple r-squared: 0.2462, adjusted r-squared: 0.2243 f-statistic: 11.21 on 3 , 103 df, p-value: 1.984e-06
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