visual studio code - VSCode: How to stop the output window from showing itself during an Angular build? -

i have vscode, latest version. , don't want see output window when compiling angular application.

does know how disable auto pop of output window?

how compiling program? if using "task" can set presentation.reveal configuration setting.

from docs:

reveal: controls whether integrated terminal panel brought front. valid values are:

  • always - panel brought front. default.
  • never - user must explicitly bring terminal panel front using view > integrated terminal command (ctrl+`). *silent - terminal panel brought front if output not scanned errors , warnings.

that means use in tasks.json:

{     "version": "2.0.0",     "tasks": [         {             // task information             ...             "presentation": {                 "reveal": "never" // or silent show if there errors             }         }             ] } 

if aren't using tasks, please update question give more information how building angular.
