Convert entire file from HEX to DEC in Batch, Python or VBS -

i have been researching hours, cannot figure out how convert file "hex.txt" (with hex in it) "dec.txt"(decimal).

hex.txt has bunch of hex values this:

0x0000: 0a 00 00 08 00 06 61 75 74 68 6f 72  0x000c: 00 09 41 6e 6f 6e 79 6d 6f 75 73 09  0x0018: 00 06 62 6c 6f 63 6b 73 0a 00 00 01  0x0024: 5a 09 00 03 70 6f 73 03 00 00 00 03 

and want convert decimal batch, vbs or python. appreciated.

a batch solution (why other languages in title no tags?).

  • the command set /a convert hex values decimal if prefixed 0x
  • so need for /f split lines @ colon address , values , simple for process each value.
  • setting , using values inside (code block) requires delayedexpansion

> type hex2dec.cmd @echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in (hex.txt) (     set /a decaddr=%%a     set "decaddr=     !decaddr!"     set "dec="     %%c in (%%b) (         set /a dec#=0x%%c         set "dec#=    !dec#!"         set dec=!dec!!dec#:~-4!     )     echo !decaddr:~-5!: !dec! ) 

sample output:

> hex2dec.cmd     0:   10   0   0   8   0   6  97 117 116 104 111 114    12:    0   9  65 110 111 110 121 109 111 117 115   9    24:    0   6  98 108 111  99 107 115  10   0   0   1    36:   90   9   0   3 112 111 115   3   0   0   0   3 
