ios - iphone version of ion-button focus background doesn't change + IONIC2 -

i using button , on android if tap button background converts blue black , color converts yellow white. in ios build when tap background doesn't stay black. when finger leave screen comes original state.

<button ion-button block round outline color="danger" (click) = "gotonextwithparent()">       parent     </button>   button:focus{    background:#000;   color:#ffffff; } 

according mdn:

safari 7.0.5:

  • clicking on <button> does not give focus, tabindex
  • clicking on <a> give focus, only when has tabindex

ios 7.1.2

  • tapping on <button> does not give focus, tabindex
  • tapping on <a> give focus, only when has tabindex

so, according above, have no luck on giving focus on button , should instead, use anchor , give focus.

a {    appearance: button;    -moz-appearance: button;    -webkit-appearance: button;    text-decoration: none;    color: buttontext;    display: inline-block;    padding: 2px 8px;    border: 1px solid black;  }    button:focus,   a:focus {    background: #000;    color: #ffffff;  }
<button>a button</button>  </br>  </br>  <a href="#" onclick="event.preventdefault()" tabindex="1">an anchor</a>

jsbin check on ios (tested on ios 10.3.3)

information on mdn:
