gtk - Gtk2 libindicator application seems to fetch its status icon in the wrong theme directory -

i have python application written gtk2, guake, uses libindicator python bindings. want patch because status icon hardcoded, doesn't play nice gtk [icon] themes — i.e. doesn't change theme.

it application run, status icon doesn't follow selected theme. have found modify , can read gtk warning in terminal test-run application:

gtkwarning: theme directory scalable/apps/22 of theme {my theme} has no size field

indeed theme has no directory 22 under scalable/apps. there such directory under scalable/status, contains status icons running applications: battery status, bluetooth, virt-manager, aso.

here's code application sets icon:

        self.tray_icon = appindicator.indicator(             _("guake-indicator"), "guake-tray", appindicator.category_application_status)         self.tray_icon.set_status(appindicator.status_active) 

how can have code fetch status icon in current theme's scalable/status/22 directory instead of scalable/apps/22, doesn't exist (and has no reason to)?

i intend send patch upstream once problem fixed.
