for loop - R: Profvis doesn't show any results -

i need fix code faster. i've reading , i've been introduced profvis package.

the thing works in excercise not real code.

this excersice code i'm talking about:

library("profvis") profvis({   data(movies, package = "ggplot2movies") # load data   movies = movies[movies$comedy == 1,]   plot(movies$year, movies$rating)   model = loess(rating ~ year, data = movies) # loess regression line   j = order(movies$year)   lines(movies$year[j], model$fitted[j]) # add line plot }) 

and code (the 1 need optimize): profvis shows blank screen.

library("profvis") library(rselenium) library(rvest) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(urltools)     #start rselenium   rd  <- rsdriver(port = 4506l, browser = "firefox", version = "latest", chromever = "latest",                 geckover = "latest", iedrver = null, phantomver = "2.1.1",                 verbose = true, check = true)    remdr <- rd[["client"]]     ### urls ###    falabella_urls <- c("",                     "")   #############################   testaaa <- function() {   falabella_data_list <- list()     (i in falabella_urls$url[1:2]) {    remdr$navigate(i)    print(i)    sys.sleep(05)    page_source<-remdr$getpagesource()       product_info <- function(node){       subcategoria_url <- str_split(path(i), "\\/")[[1]][4]     s.marca <- html_nodes(node,"div.marca a") %>% html_text     s.producto <- html_nodes(node,"div.detalle a") %>% html_attr("href")     s.precio.antes <- html_nodes(node, "div.precio2 span") %>% html_text     s.precio.actual <- html_nodes(node, "div.precio1 span") %>% html_text       data.frame(       fecha = as.character(,       subcategoria = subcategoria_url,       ecommerce = "falabella",       marca = s.marca,       producto = s.producto,       precio.antes = ifelse(length(s.precio.antes) == 0, na, s.precio.antes),       precio.actual = ifelse(length(s.precio.actual) == 0, na, s.precio.actual),       stringsasfactors=f     )     }      doc <- read_html(iconv(page_source[[1]]), to="utf-8") %>%      html_nodes(".cajalp4x")       productos <- lapply(doc, product_info) %>%     bind_rows()     falabella_data_list[[i]] <- productos # add list     }      falabella =, falabella_data_list)  }   profvis({testaaa()}) 
