Need to echo post title with a shortcode -

i have shortcode need echo post name before photo tour. shortcode implemented below. appreciated.

/** * [separator_photoheading size="2" type="" align="center" id=""]photo tour[/separator_photoheading] * * heading photo separator * * @param align [left, center, right] * @param id [text] * @param size [#: 1-6] * @param type [text] */ if ( ! function_exists( 'wm_shortcode_separator_photoheading' ) ) {     function wm_shortcode_separator_photoheading( $atts, $content = null ) {         extract( shortcode_atts( array(             'align' => '',             'id'    => '',             'size'  => 2,             'type'  => 'uniform',             ), $atts)             );          //validation         $aligns = array( 'center', 'right' );          $align = ( in_array( trim( $align ), $aligns ) ) ? ( ' text-' . trim( $align ) ) : ( '' );         $id    = ( trim( $id ) ) ? ( ' id="' . sanitize_title( $id ) .'"' ) : ( '' );         $size  = ( 1 <= absint( $size ) && 6 >= absint( $size ) ) ? ( absint( $size ) ) : ( '2' );         $type  = ( 'uniform' == trim( $type ) ) ? ( ' apply-top-margin style-uniform' ) : ( ' style-' . trim( $type ) );           $attachments = get_children( array('post_parent' => get_the_id(), 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image') );         if ( $attachments ) {          //output         return '<div class="clear"></div><h' . $size . $id . ' class="separator-heading' . esc_attr( $type ) . esc_attr( $align ) . '"><span class="text-holder">' . do_shortcode( strip_tags( trim( $content ), '<img><strong><span><small><em><b><i>' ) ) . '</span><span class="pattern-holder"></span></h' . $size . '>';          }                } } // /wm_shortcode_separator_photoheading add_shortcode( 'separator_photoheading', 'wm_shortcode_separator_photoheading' ); 
