i want send 1 part of object template.
i have 2 models below:
class person(models.model): name = models.charfield(max_legth=50) sure_name = models.charfiled(max_length=50) class office(models.model): location = models.charfield(max_legth=50)
and created model below:
class personoffice(models.model): person = models.foreignkey(person) office = models.foreignkey(office)
now, when take data database, personoffice.objects.all()
,the data below:
{ { "pk": 0, "person": { "pk":0, "name":"harry", "sure_name":"potter" }, "office":{ "pk":5, "location":"toronto" } }, { "pk": 1, "person": { "pk":6, "name":"john", "sure_name":"kelly" }, "office":{ "pk":6, "location":"newyork" } } }
i want send offices template render
function. how can it? thanks
updated want use in template {% %}
loop. example:
{% office in offices %} <p>office location: {{ office.location }}</p> {% endfor %}
i used below code:
offices = personoffice.objects.all().values('office') print(offices)
and below result in terminal:
<queryset [{'office': 1}, {'office': 2}, {'office': 11}]>
you can use values
this output queryset office
each object.
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