reactjs - Customizing my location button in airbnb/react-native-maps -

i have used airbnb/react-native-maps designing tracking based apps. have designed custom search box. problem is, search box overlaps location button. there way customize location button , changing alignment position? have attached photo more specification.

here sample code have used

                 <mapview                     provider={provider_google}                     style={}                     region={{                         latitude: this.props.initialposition.latitude,                         longitude: this.props.initialposition.longitude,                         latitudedelta: latitude_delta,                         longitudedelta: longitude_delta                     }}                     zoomenabled={true}                     minzoomlevel={5}                     maxzoomlevel={20}                     showsmylocationbutton={true}                     showsuserlocation={true}                     ... ... ...                    >                    {... ... ... ...}                    </mapview> 

enter image description here

a quick solution add padding top of map height of custom-search-box push mylocationbutton below it.

i went through docs could't find way customize position or alignment.

there similar issue in github regarding raised more 6 months ago suggests similar solution:
