im trying implement google adsense ads , aren't showing up, when inspect area suppose looks there. im working in rails 5 app , using turbolinks, ive seen may cause issues. heres code in project:
<div class: 'recipe-card-link'> <script async src="//"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout="image-top" data-ad-layout-key="-90+2e-hl+fr+q4" data-ad-client="ca-pub-****************" data-ad-slot="8061638025"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div>
when inspect item has bunch of etc inputs , looks called script , put there nothing shows up. white space.
edit: attached image of shows when inpsect (since cant copy of it)
1.- first, try changing:
script async script async='async'
2.- use following js run adsense.
<script> //<![cdata[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-yourid", enable_page_level_ads: true }); //]]> </script>
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