ios - Why calling setneedsdisplay from a nstimer make cadisplaylink stop to work correctly? -

first of all, want hello since new here , have found lot of solutions problems in page. great job.

i update glkview calling setneedsdisplay. can call 2 different event :

  • one generated cadisplaylink
  • one generated nstimer

normally cadisplaylink fire setneedsdisplay, because of design of app, sometime nstimer fire setneedsdisplay

the problem notice when fire setneedsdisplay via nstimer next cadisplaylink event will not fired !

from apple doc

setneedsdisplay(_:) notify system view’s contents need redrawn. method makes note of request , returns immediately. view not redrawn until next drawing cycle, @ point invalidated views updated.

it's setneedsdisplay nothing saying redraw view on next drawing cycle. in way why next cadisplaylink event skipped (normally it's fired every 16 ms, next fired in 32 ms)?

note: don't know if it's matter add cadisplaylink runloop nsdefaultrunloopmode
