How do you know how to import libraries in aurelia-cli -

how these guy's/gal's figure out how import library blog instructions for? not easy since there many blogs giving examples of importing libraries not how figured out. let's @ few libraries.

how figure out how libraries imported in aurelia.json?


1) "bootstrap" understand jquery deps , resources bootstrap.css include in non-module system.

how did know export @ less export $ instead of "insert-something"?

         {             "name": "bootstrap",             "path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",             "main": "js/bootstrap.min",             "deps": [               "jquery"             ],             "exports": "$",             "resources": [               "css/bootstrap.css"             ]           }, 

2) "jquery" imported "jquery" in aureia.config. think read importing 1 file don't need export or add resources in bootstrap.

how know jquery in module format , import jquery?

3) "aurelia-dragula plugin" imported resources

        "name": "aurelia-dragula",         "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-dragula/dist/amd",         "main": "index",         "resources": [           "dragula-and-drop.js",           "dragula-and-drop.html",           "dragula.css"         ]       }, 

how know resource include , need include resources?

how figure out import statement use if any?


1) not see import statement jquery see 1 bootstrap.

why case?

2) import {myliby} 'lib' or import * mylib 'lib' or import 'mylib?

i think understand how es6 imports works. please correct me if wrong. use import {mylib} 'name' if library not have default. or use import 'mylib' if have default export. , there import * mylib mylib

3) how figure out if library has default export or if not name exporting , how import?

4) in aurelia.json can name , when import use name?

example config. name , them in import statement use import {something} 'alib. on note in previous question how figure out well

 {     "name": "alib",     "path": "../node_modules/jsrender/",     "main": "jsrender"   }, 

if possible explain in detail answers above questions. me struggle more should , think other people or there not articles on how import library? articles great don't explain how figured out in first place write article telling else how import it.

thank you.
