java - Why onOptionsMenuClosed() method in android is not called? -

i newbie in android programming, while reading through documentation on menus, came across methods called @ specific instant of times.

among them 1 method [void onoptionsmenuclosed (menu menu)], called whenever options menu being closed i.e either :

  • the user canceling menu back/menu button.

  • or when item selected).

however, while logging , toasting messages doesn't called, why so?

@override     public void onoptionsmenuclosed(menu menu) {         super.onoptionsmenuclosed(menu);         log.e("mainactiviy", "onoptionsmenuclosed() method called when option menu close");         toast.maketext(this, "onoptionsmenuclosed() method called when option menu close",             toast.length_short).show();     } 
