matlab - aUnable to find PSNR between an original signal and a reconstructed signal due to matrix dimensions not agreeing -
% ============ % pcm encoding % ============ f = 2; fs = 20; ts = 1/fs; fss = 1.e4; tss = 1/fss; t = 0:tss:2-tss; d = ts/40:ts:2+ts/40; p = pulstran(t,d,'rectpuls',1/(fs*40)); % ================= % analog msg signal % ================= m = sin(2*pi*f*t)+1.1; % ================= % sampled signal % ================= ms = m.*p; % ================= % quantized msg % ================= qm = quant(ms,2/16); em = 8*(qm); % ================= % encoding msg % ================= j = 1; i=1:length(em) if ((((i>1)&&(em(i)~=em(i-1)))||(i==1))&&(em(i)~=0)) x(j) = em(i)-1; j=j+1; end end z = dec2bin(x,5); z = z'; z = z(:); z = str2num(z); s = 2*(z')-1; tb = 2/length(s); fb = 0.5/tb; bl = tb/tss; y = ones(bl,1); bit = 5*y*s; bit = bit(:); bit = bit'; % polar nrz bit stream % ============= % pcm de-coding % ============= rb = bit(ceil(tb/(tss)):(tb/tss):length(bit)); rb = (rb+5)/10; l = length(rb); = 1:l/5 q = rb((5*i)-4:5*i); q = num2str(q); x1(i) = bin2dec(q); e(i) = x1(i)+1; end e = e/8; y1 = ones(1,ceil((ts/40)/tss)); y2 = zeros(1,(ts/tss)-length(y1)); y3 = [y1 y2]; y3 = y3'; ms1 = y3*e; % sampled signal encoded signal ms1 = ms1(:); % filtering sampled signal [n,w] = buttord(f/fss,(f+1)/fss,.6,4); [a,b] = butter(n,w,'low'); rm = filter(a,b,ms1); rm = rm*50; % recieved orignal signal % ================== % plotting signals % ================== figure(1); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,m,'b',t,ms,'r'); legend('analog msg','sampled msg') grid; xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); axis([0 2 0 2.25]); subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,ms,'k',t,qm,'r'); legend('sampled msg','quantized msg') grid; xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); axis([0 2 0 2.25]); figure(2); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,em,'b') xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('leveled msg'); grid; axis([0 2 -0.5 16.5]); subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,bit,'k') xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('polar nrz encoded'); grid; axis([0 2 -5.25 5.25]); figure(3); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,ms1,'b'); title('recovered sampled msg') grid; xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); axis([0 2 0 2.25]); subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,rm,'b'); title('recovered analog msg') grid; xlabel('t -->'); ylabel('amplitude'); axis([0 2 0 2.25]);
m original signal , rm reconstructed signal.
when add code:
mse=sum((rm-m).^2)/length(m); psnr=10*log10(255*255/mse);
i error on line mse stating "matrix dimensions must agree."
it true rm = 1x200 , m = 1x20000 dimensions indeed not agree not know how resolve issue. new matlab , i'm not sure of possible ways code working.
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