What does the PHP error message "Use of undefined constant login - assumed 'login" -

before hosting there no problems, after upload them appear 000webhost notice "use of undefined constant login - assumed 'login' in /storage/ssd4/109/2310109/public_html/surat/login.php on line 26"

        if (isset($_post[login])){         $user = $_post['user'];         $pass = md5($_post['pass']);         $login=mysql_query("select * phpmu_user             username='$user' , password='$pass' , status='y'");         $cocok=mysql_num_rows($login);         $r=mysql_fetch_array($login);          if ($cocok > 0){             $_session[login]        = $r[id_user];             $_session[username]     = $r[username];             $_session[namalengkap]  = $r[nama_lengkap];             $_session[password]     = $r[password];             $_session[level]        = $r[level];             $_session[unit]        = $r[unit_kerja];              header('location:index.php');         }else{             echo "<script>window.alert('maaf, anda tidak memiliki akses');                     window.location=('index.php')</script>";         }     } 

because php can't know if login key, or variable.

2 solutions :

 if (isset($_post['login'])){ 

or ...

 if (isset($_post[$login])){ 

but in case, think it's key. , same problem $_session array.
