How to identify page breaks in excel with VBA, varying conditions -

this problem i've been wrestling time. forgive me not citing exact threads i've researched, i've not been keeping log. code sample have below has been constructed reviewing many threads on topic. however, exact solution need still evades me.

simply put: in excel vba, need able identify last row , first/last column of each page in long table 1 5 pages long (horizontally), after having been dynamically created , populated. appreciate quick way identify populated data stops, can generating routine if there's no easy solution. following code identify correct final row , column of single page table... once. can make modification needed check subsequent pages multi-page table. real problem i'm having once cell has been populated , cleared, excel includes cell in range of used cells. subsequent executions of same code fail, because last cell no longer correctly identified. there anyway reverse this, or different approach take?

i not populating cells , deleting them find page breaks, i've not found solution avoids doing so. guidance might provide. ,mike shanahan

sub findpagebreaks()  dim x hpagebreaks, pb_x hpagebreak dim y vpagebreaks, pb_y vpagebreak, pagematrix() integer dim lastpopulated(1) integer, test integer, target integer  redim pagematrix(1 1, 0 2) integer activesheet     debug.print "============================================"      debug.print "horizontal page breaks"     set x = .hpagebreaks     debug.print "initial hbreaks: ", x.count     lastpopulated(0) = .cells.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell).row     debug.print "last row of data: ", lastpopulated(0)     target = x.count + 1     test = lastpopulated(0)     while x.count < target         test = test + 10         .cells(test, 1).value = "."         debug.print "cell: " & .cells(test, 1).address & " populated"         if test > 100 exit     loop     each pb_x in x         if pb_x.extent = xlpagebreakfull             debug.print "row: " & pb_x.location.row, "full page break"             pagematrix(1, 2) = pb_x.location.row - 1         else             debug.print "row: " & pb_x.location.row, "partial page break"         end if     next pb_x     .range(.cells(lastpopulated(0) + 1, 1), .cells(test, 1)).clearcontents     debug.print "cells: " & .range(.cells(lastpopulated(0), 1), .cells(test, 1)).address & " cleared."     debug.print "horizontal exploration complete."       debug.print "vertical page breaks"     set y = .vpagebreaks     debug.print "initial vbreaks: ", y.count     lastpopulated(1) = .cells.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell).column     debug.print "last column of data: ", lastpopulated(1)     target = y.count + 1     test = lastpopulated(1)     while y.count < target         test = test + 10         .cells(1, test).value = "."         debug.print "cell: " & .cells(1, test).address & " populated"         if test > 100 exit     loop     pagematrix(1, 0) = 1     each pb_y in y         if pb_y.extent = xlpagebreakfull             debug.print "column: " & pb_y.location.column, "full page break"             pagematrix(1, 1) = pb_y.location.column - 1         else             debug.print "row: " & pb_y.location.column, "partial page break"         end if     next pb_y     .range(.cells(1, lastpopulated(1) + 1), .cells(1, test)).clearcontents         debug.print "cells: " & .range(.cells(1, lastpopulated(1)), .cells(1, test)).address & " cleared."     debug.print "vertical exploration complete."       debug.print "page", "first col", "last col", "last row"     debug.print 1, pagematrix(1, 0), pagematrix(1, 1), pagematrix(1, 2)     debug.print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"     debug.print "sub complete."     debug.print  end end sub 

not complete answer, reduces code.

sure seems lot of code find page breaks. page breaks, try simple routine. modify situation.

sub sample()   'horizontal pagebreaks   h = 1 100     if sheets("sheet1").rows(h).pagebreak <> xlpagebreaknone msgbox "hor " & n   next   'vertical pagebreaks   v = 1 100     if sheets("sheet1").columns(v).pagebreak <> xlpagebreaknone msgbox "ver " & n   next  end sub 
