php - Wordpress error : Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in -

the whole error:

fatal error: can't use function return value in write context in /www/.../wp-content/themes/.../includes/ on line 178

'desc' => esc_html__('default value on theme options: ', 'consultaid') .  ((isset(themeton_std::getopt('social_sharevisibility')[$post_type.'s']) &&  themeton_std::getopt('social_sharevisibility')[$post_type.'s'] == '0') ?  esc_attr__('hidden', 'consultaid') : esc_attr__('show', 'consultaid')), 

try taking call static class out of isset check. set variable use in isset() function.

$var = themeton_std::getopt('social_sharevisibility')[$post_type.'s'];  'desc' => esc_html__('default value on theme options: ', 'consultaid') .  ((isset($var) && themeton_std::getopt('social_sharevisibility')[$post_type.'s'] == '0') ?   esc_attr__('hidden', 'consultaid') : esc_attr__('show', 'consultaid')), 
